Available Car extends RAC warranty and GAP deal to 2027

The company - which operates across four sites in the Midlands and retails over 20,000 vehicles annually - has worked with Assurant, which partners with the RAC in the aftersales market, since 2015.

Last year, the car supermarket moved from white label to RAC-branded products in a move designed to increase its appeal to customers who first encounter its stock online.

Michael Bell, CEO at Available Car, explained: “Our geographical sales footprint continues to grow as part of a trend that has been underway for some time and an increasing number of buyers from across the country first contact us or complete their entire purchase online.

“The Available Car brand is a strong one, especially in the Midlands, but the trust attached to the RAC is obviously much more instantly recognisable for people who are buying online. The switch to RAC branding has been highly successful from our point of view, hence this contract extension to 2027.

“We have found that we can access higher warranty and GAP sales both onsite and online from offering RAC branded products. In an increasingly digital used car sector, brand is ever more important. The presence of the name lends a high level of credibility to our overall proposition.”

Sean Kent, European director of automotive at Assurant, added: “Assurant has been working with Available Car since 2015 and we have forged a very successful partnership, so we’re pleased to see our contract extended to 2027. It’s a vote of faith in our products, the consultancy support we offer and the RAC brand.

“The 1,200-plus members of the RAC Dealer Network are making increasing use of the RAC brand in their online marketing and overall proposition as the amount of business they transact digitally grows. It’s a move that makes absolute strategic sense.”

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